Current Events in the Community

Sponsored by The Law Office of Robin Persiconi

The Law Office of Robin Persiconi is proud to sponsor many of the diverse organizations in our community, including the LPS Education Foundation, the Livonia United Women's Lacrosse team, and Livonia Pom. Giving back is best thing we can do to elevate our community, and the events we sponsor help to lend a hand.

Run 2 Save Our Youth 5k Run/Walk

We’re proud to support the Livonia Save Our Youth Coalition mission to create awareness of – and prevent – substance abuse in our community.

The Livonia Save Our Youth coalition is on a mission to educate and empower the community regarding the health and safety of our young people with a focus on alcohol and other drugs. The coalition includes parents, teens, educators, health care workers, law enforcement, the faith community, and substance abuse professionals. All community members are welcome to take part!


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